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Thank you for sharing, thank you.

There is something to be said about the impact that you make. You feel it when it courses through your body as an inexplicable feeling. A name that I will state as Robin, to maintain privacy, had unexpectedly reached out and shared his running thoughts to me, finally.

Doing something, anything, should be done with happiness and joy. Running, biking, sharing stories. If it is not meaningful, then why do it? Joining clubs or organizations should bring joy as well as you giving joy back to it and the people involved. That is the meaning of passion to me.

Robin reached out to me after it seems an entire year of doing something that came unexpected and detrimental to him - which was not the intention when he first decided to commit to his role. After the discussion, story, context, and consensus, I understood.

Words have such a powerful effect, including the two words, "Thank you." There are many times when they are spoken without their true meaning behind them, but they still are able to add a positive. When I was "finally" reached out to (from the prevention of others to this peer), he told me all he wanted was a thank you, something he never got. Dealing with disrespect, untold truths, and hurt feelings, he deserved the adjective of resilience.

Explaining my point of view for what should be right, what Robin said next, I did not expect nor perhaps deserve. He told me that if I were to be the boss of a team, he would love to work for me. He told me that I was a good leader. And such a meaningful day it became in the dark and dusk of the middle of Winter. Thank you, Robin, for such wonderful words you said to me. I am still figuring out, and I feel that I will always be, trying to discover the meaning of being a leader. He said that if I were to lead the team again or led another, he would be all in. But otherwise, at this moment, he was tired of all of it. The unappreciation and the unhappiness with which he felt. And past the resilience, although it exists, it does not last forever.

Robin, though you came to me with what it seems like as permission to leave something you no longer enjoyed, I am very happy I was able to support you in your decision for which you thought was right because it is right for you. I am grateful for what you shared with me today by being open, and so, thank you.


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